How to organize the spice cabinet
In an earlier post, I talked about 6 ways to create more space in a small kitchen. I conveniently avoided my spice cabinet, because it was already driving me mad. Between differently sized containers and baggies of loose spices I often buy, it was getting really out of control. After a while I just gave up on keeping them organized, and things got even worse. I could no longer deny it – it was time for me to explore how to (hopefully) better organize the spice cabinet.
How could you not want to organize this spice cabinet?
I mean, it’s all there – I think! I really can’t tell. However, I do know two things:
- I already had items I could use to reorganize this mess – like the spice 3-tier shelf
- I am pretty sure I have two containers of dill and three or four of pepper

So Here’s the plan!
This is how I’ll (hopefully) better organize the spice cabinet.
- Bottom shelf will still house spices, because I want them accessible. However, I did source jars to keep the space orderly and uniform.
- Middle shelf will be completely revamped and go from a tea shelf to baking supplies and other random goods.
- Top shelf will be used for overflow spices, because without a stool I can’t even reach that high.
Choosing a spice shelf
These expandable and tiered shelves are great to easily see all available flavors and span the whole width of the cabinet. However, they are not miracle makers. Therefore, the picture above.
Today’s marketplace offers plenty of options when it comes to these organizers. I found a lot of options on the market varying in sizes and materials. Here is how I decided on the one I got and why I nixed the other options.
Wooden and metal ones were out immediately, because I am too clumsy for materials that slick. Same goes for clear acrylic racks. And although these glass-looking shelves are gorgeous, they scratch so easily and every spec of dust makes them look dirty. I figured that powdery spices would turn it into a hot mess pretty quickly.
Now the plastic ones actually came with rubber lining which was a good sign for My Clumsiness and I was sold. I chose the withe rack to match my cabinets. And thus I had completed Step 1!
Deciding on the jars
When it came to finding jars, I wanted to go super simple. I knew I wanted glass ones with metal lids with capacity of around 3-4 oz and I wanted a lot of them. My final choice landed on 48 4-oz jars with a square base. It came with plastic covers to regulate pour, 400 jar labels and a small funnel. Another plus is that this shape and size is used commercially by spice suppliers. This means that some of the spices of the same shape can go straight into the cupboard.
I did a little happy dance when this box showed up at my door!

I quickly got to working on this, because I was excited to reorganize the mess I’d created. Although I received stickers, a lot of the spices I use regularly were not listed. Considering most of them are pretty ethnic, I was not surprised. Hence, I decided to go back to the trusted label maker and use clear tape with black lettering. Looking back, white lettering might have worked better, but I stuck to the original plan.
I use a Brother PTouch very similar to this one, but I like this model better because it has a few more options than mine. But any kind of label maker would do just fine.
After printing labels and sanitizing jars, I started transferring spices. Just with a lot of things, I had to make a mess first, before this whole situation made more sense.

The jars I got were smaller than some of my existing spice containers, but I had a plan for that as well.
I started looking for containers baking supplies and overflow spices
As luck would have it, IKEA just came out with additional styles and sizes for their KUGGIS storage box line. After doing some measuring, I purchased 3 of the 7×10 ¼x6″ and one 10 ¼x13 ¾x6″ containers with lids.
I used the large box and one of the smaller ones on the top shelf for overflow spices. And they fit like they were made for my kitchen cabinets. I only wish these boxes were perfectly square and not tapered, but at these prices, I have no room to complain. And with so many different size options, they can work for any space.
Time to tackle that middle shelf
In its messy state it was home to a pile of teas and some odds and ends. Now that I have a whole Coffee and Tea Station set up, it was time to move teas to the buffet. So, I cleared the middle shelf and placed another small Kuggis box for smaller baking supplies, like sprinkles, baking powder, baking soda, dry yeast, … I did this to keep baking supplies together and neat, of course. Additionally, I knew I would have some space around the box where I could put some cook books!
This middle level is already somewhat out of my reach, so I wanted to add in a rotating element to compensate for my vertical challenge. I saw this pink metal Lazy Susan, and knew I had to have it.

Now, I use it for spray oils, toothpicks, and other kitchen goodness that doesn’t belong anywhere else. And it is as pretty in person as it is in the photo!
I think my plan on how to organize the spice cabinet was a success!

Just opening this cabinet’s doors gives me so much peace and makes me so content. Even better, it prompted me to reorganize other spaces in the kitchen. Teas and coffee went to the buffet. Measuring cups moved from that spot to their new home in a deep drawer by the stove, moving the place settings and kitchen towels to the the drawer below, and so on… Just this simple, yet satisfying update caused a chain reaction, that made my kitchen setup much more logical.
I am so ridiculously happy with how it all turned out!