So many projects, so little time!
I know it’s important to stay organized, even though I often struggle. This is why, I am a huge fan of lists and crossing items off once they are completed. Because I try to do a lot of things myself and as inexpensively as possible, some of them can take a long time before they are crossed off. In order to not forget any of them, I like to jot them down as a reminder.
Foyer and Hallway
Find a perfect new chandelier for the entryway and install – light fixture found, but still figuring out how to get to the ceiling! 🙂 I borrowed a 22-foot ladder from my sister and volunteered a friend to help – and it is DONE! And beautiful!
Get a new rug in the entryway – it’s a 6’x6′ square and there is not a lot of selection
Replace the sconce light – already purchased
Wall Art – I had an idea of having my own photography printed on metal plates and hung. Still working on a final decision
Living Room
Install hardwoods and BURN current carpeting
Take down wood paneling and replace with drywall
Remodel the fireplace
Create a wall art gallery wall
Move plug-in sconces to the opposite wall
Finish the bar cart
Re-upholster the sofa and side chair – a very long term plan as I am not rushing to do all the buttons on my Chesterfield-style seating (and in velvet!)
(Possibly) get new sliding doors or opt for French doors – 92 105-inch sliding doors do not come cheap
Primary Bedroom
Remove carpet and install hardwood flooring
New bedside table – DONE! Check it out here!
Art above the bed
Art above the dresser
Small floating shelves in the corner behind the arm chair
Full length leaning mirror to the left of dresser
Fun hanging solution for bags and scarves (?) Found some great hanging solutions and they are all installed!
Bookshelf or vanity table with mirror on the left side of the bed
Primary Bath
Install new light fixtures
Get a new fan with light and BlueTooth speaker have it! Just waiting for inspiration to install it.
Do something with the vanity – not sure what yet
Modernize the medicine cabinet
Install a Bidet DONE! And it’s a game changer!
Bathroom Remodel:
- Remove wall between vanity and toilet/shower room
- Expand the shower and install new tile
- Move door to the entrance to vanity and sheet rock the opening
- New tile on the floor
Guest Bedroom
Remove carpet and install hardwoods
Get lamp shades – so my guests would stop asking me if I had something against lamp shades. (I’m just picky, OK? I think I might!)
Find perfect curtains and wall art
Get seating
Guest Bath
Paint the bathroom – I’ve been deciding on a light blue for the past year, and it is almost done!
Swap in new light fixtures – already have these ready to go
Modernize the medicine cabinet
Replace towel rack and TP holder – already have these, as well
Do something with the vanity – not sure what yet (it’s identical to the Primary bath one)
Kitchen, Nook and Dining Room
Replace cabinet knobs and drawer pulls
Finish my Coffee (and Tea) Station
Change all light fixtures – already acquired – soon to be installed!
(Possibly) Add a rug in the nook
Hang a mug rack on the wall next to the pantry – Amazon link coming
Purchase a new fridge! – 33″ fridges are more expensive than standard 36″ (who woulda thunk it), therefore my white dinosaur is still in use
Change the faucet in the kitchen – a friend volunteered and weeks later, I am still in awe of my beautiful new fixture and adequate water pressure
Remove carpet and install hardwoods
Refurbish file cabinet – plans changed after the the file cabinet sort of fell apart, while still being so hard that I could not install feet, so instead I got a bookshelf And now I got a proper cabinet that I just refinished and moved into the office. And you can read ALL about that adventure here!
Take down two floating shelves and put in a tall bookshelf
More art
Add seating – I got a chair and fabric to reupholster it. But as they say – the cobbler’s kids have no shoes. In this case I am both a cobbler and barefoot.
Add a side table
Closet Re-do Check it out here!
Wallpaper if I could ever make up my mind!ShelvesBoxes– IKEA came through!
Create a more functional upholstery work room
Finish a laundry room – right now it looks like something right out of horror movies. Open to movie location scouts *wink-wink*
Put in a bathroom – there is already a room framed for a bathroom and even has a light, but this is sooo far down on the list of priorities, that I am not even thinking about it.
Add in an exercise space
Front Porch
Install a new mailbox
Glue foundation facade – already have it
Re-do front steps and porch in concrete
New light fixtures
Paint the the fence – my Mom is tasked with this, but this winter just won’t go away! and it’s finally in progress
Change the light fixture – got one for $4 already! Waiting for a good day to be electrocuted. DONE!!!!
Re-furb concrete or create new patio
Re-do side patio in vinyl planks
New outdoor dining table and chairs!
Whole House Projects
Paint the interior of the whole house