A Toast Station and a BIG Kitchen Update
I may have been a bit quieter than usual, but that doesn’t mean things remained the same. I made some exciting kitchen updates, including a toast station. And I feel so lucky and a tiny bit spoiled.
A BIG kitchen update – extremely overdue New Fridge
The BIG news is that I got a new fridge. It may not seem that exciting but, as someone who drinks roughly a gallon of water a day, I could hardly wait for this day.
After seven years in my home, countless Brita pitcher (Brita Stream served me well) refills and a couple of leaks, it was time to retire the vintage behemoth, firmly wedged into the kitchen opening. The old fridge served me well and I am so grateful that I could postpone this large purchase for as long as I did.

I mean, there’s nothing better than a tall glass of water with freshly made crushed ice.
But what about that toast station from the title?
Continuing with the theme of spoiling myself, I decided I wanted to leave my toaster on the counter instead of putting it away after each use. Since I already had a coffee station, I figured a toast station would make my Xennial soul even happier. And then I had to make it cute, too!
First, I got a butter bell, because I really wanted soft butter for my toast whenever I felt like it. This is the type with an inverted bell-shaped lid that houses the butter and crock base that holds water to create an air tight container, providing spreadable butter that stays fresh for days without refrigeration. I chose a matte dark gray, but the color options and styles are truly endless.
And things really escalated from there. Because the next thing I got was Dualit toaster! And this was quite an investment. Let me be honest – this was a choice I made purely based on how much I liked its design. I mean, how many ways can you really toast a piece of bread?
From there, I added a marble tray to house the butter crock and a glass jar for honey or jam. And, of course I needed some toaster tongs, which I know my fingertips are grateful for.
Finally, to tie it all together, I added some art. At least, I hope I can call it that. It is a painting of an avocado I did myself a few years ago while in my watercolor phase.

I was always happy about how it turned out, but I wasn’t sure where the masterpiece belonged. Now I know it belongs where my real-life avocado toast is prepared.
Now that I have a beautiful toast station and a new fridge, it’s time to pick some backsplash tile for the next kitchen update.